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Pets and Your Carpet: What You Need to Know

Dec 3, 2020 3:15:00 PM / by Monika Morales

smiling-golden-retreiver_ResizedPets and carpet can coexist. You simply need to know the best way to prepare. When you have pets, you know you will inevitably have an accident, spill, or damage. However, you and your carpet can be ready to handle whatever your pet throws at it with a little help.


Finding the Best Carpet 


While there are not carpets specifically designed for pets, there are options that are easier to manage and provide some extra protection. Choosing the right carpet fiber, color, and style are not only aesthetic choices; they are large factors to consider for your carpet’s durability and stain resistance.



Stain Resistance 


One of the top features to look for in a carpet is stain resistance. You can purchase carpet with a protective layer of stain resistance already applied or you can treat once it’s in your home. If you decide to treat your carpet, consider calling a professional to ensure that the entire carpet is treated. Missing a spot can lead to stains soaking in under the treated fibers, making it more difficult to clean out. Nylon is the best fiber to combat stains, while wool is a fiber to avoid. Most carpets can be treated to be stain-resistant, but polyester carpets have been proven to perform well against stains once treated.



Color and Style 


Considering color and style can also be helpful in the battle with pet stains. While it won’t solve the issue, choosing a carpet with a flecked style such as Berber can help hide stains, dirt, and more.





When it comes to durability, you need to consider the type of pet you have. If you have a large dog, you’ll want a carpet fiber such as nylon that is designed for high-traffic areas and extra pressure. If you have a cat or if your dog is prone to zoomies, a loop carpet that can easily be torn by nails is not the best option for you.



Protecting Your Carpet 


Once you’ve chosen the right carpet for your home, it’s important to know how to combat pet stains to keep your home fresh and clean. Establish routines with your pet to prevent unnecessary damage, such as cleaning paws off before they come inside and clipping nails frequently.



Cleaning Pet Stains 


The Carpet and Rug Institute recommends cleaning pet stains as you would any other spill. Absorb the liquid as soon as possible by blotting the area with a towel. Never scrub the area, as this only succeeds in spreading the stain. Once blotted, treat the area using a safe commercial carpet cleaner or a homemade solution such as 2 cups of vinegar, 2 cups of warm water and 4 tablespoons of baking soda.


Professional cleaning is an important step in keeping your carpets clean. While you shouldn’t schedule a cleaning after every accident, frequency is key. For best results, a cleaning is recommended every 6 months. Depending on your pets and the number of accidents, this could be increased.



Removing Odor 


Pets can be smelly, even without an accident to add to it. Baking soda is a top defense against odors. Once you’ve cleaned the spill and the area is dry, sprinkle baking soda over the surface, let sit for at least 30 minutes, and then vacuum. You can repeat this process until the odor is gone. Large amounts of baking soda are toxic to dogs, so be sure to keep them away while you clean. If you suspect urine stains are causing the odor in your home, a blacklight can help you find the problem area.


Routine cleaning is the best and most effective way to keep your carpets clean and protected from pets. Vacuum and spot-clean weekly with professional cleanings scheduled regularly. For more tips on keeping your carpets clean, subscribe to our blog!


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Topics: Carpet

Written by Monika Morales